Release: Maintenance

Finance: Trust Module Enhancements
⭐ Trust Global Report
- Pending Trust Grid: The global report now features a Pending Trust grid at the top. This section displays records of Trust funds received that are pending payout.
- Invoice Filter: We've added an invoice filter. You can now filter by invoice across both pending Trust and active Trust sections.
⭐ Payment Advice
- Trust Module Updates:
- Automatic Payment Advice Creation: Payment advice for trust payments will now be automatically created once the payment is marked as paid from the Trust Payment screen. This advice will be linked to the trust request along with other supporting documents.
- Submission Step: During the "Submission" step, you can attach the payment advice to an email by clicking on Supporting Documents and selecting the appropriate payment advice under Remittance section.

- Disbursement Module Updates:
- Automatic Payment Advice Creation: Payment advice for disbursement payments will be automatically created once the payment is marked as paid from the Supplier Payment screen.
- Submission Step for Accounts Users: A new "Submission" step will open up in the Disbursement module, where the payment advice will be automatically attached. You can send an email directly to the supplier from this step.
- Auto Submission: This feature can be enabled from the Admin > Contacts page. When auto submission is enabled, the Disbursement submission step will automatically send an email to the contact with the payment advice and configured email content.

🪲Bug Fix:
- Trust Request Rejection: The issue where the "Letter to Client" would reset upon trust request rejection has been resolved. Your letter will now remain intact even if the trust request is rejected.
Missed the organisation-wide training for Trust Module? or need a refresher on the modules Katherine covered, don't worry! You can easily enrol in the following course to catch up or reinforce your knowledge.
💬 Open Feedback Channel
If you have any questions or feedback about these modules, we've set up an open channel on Teams named "CasePlan - Finance." Feel free to post your queries or feedback there, and don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!
CasePlan Maintenance
- Future S2 Meeting Date Selection (CTP):
For CTP, you can now select a future S2 meeting date. Previously, dates beyond today were not allowed. - Client Contact CSI Threshold Update (WC):
The threshold for Client Contact CSI in WC has been adjusted to 50%. The graph will turn green once this threshold is met.
Due to different thresholds for varying practice areas, the Matter Type filter is now limited to a single selection.
- Client Care Enquiry Source Enhancement:
To improve analytics, the Enquiry Source section is updated in long form. Instead of just typing the source name, you will need to select the matching category and sub-category for the source first.
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Release - Innovations